Wednesday 6 May 2009

Did you realise..... ?

Last year Brussels bureaucrats drew up a map of plans for new European regions, in which no mention is made at all of England, or indeed Britain. England in fact is to be divided into three zones, joined to areas in other countries. The "Manche" region covers part of southern England and northern France, the "Atlantic" region includes western parts of England, Portugal, Spain and Wales, while the "North Sea" region includes eastern England, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands and parts of Germany. The English Channel is to be renamed "The Channel Sea". The plan is intended to "underlie the goal of a United Europe" and to "permanently overcome old borders". Below is a map of the "Manche Region", as mapped by the EU. I don't know about any of you, but this horrifies me. It should be more widely known and resisted, as I am sure it would be.

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